Aims & Scope

Journal of Human Sciences and Religious Spirituality aims to provide insightful, novel, and innovative ideas and roadmaps for Higher education policy-makers (Members of the governments, parliaments, and ministries), University governing boards (Senate, Trustees, and Directors) and Higher education stakeholders (Administrative bodies, Academic staff, Researchers, Students, and Parents and anyone who is interested in interdisciplinary subjects in humanities and social sciences and religion studies.) In this regard, all corresponding educational practitioners and researchers are cordially invited to consider JHSRS as a venue to disseminate their voice and scientific developments based on the following Aims and Scope.

The primary aims of the journal are to:

  • Promote research and dialogue within the growing interdisciplinary field of spirituality;
  • Review new studies of significant works within the field;
  • Plot the parameters of religious spirituality as a new academic discipline, keeping to the forefront questions of methodology and interpretation;
  • Foster interdisciplinary dialogue, striving to be inclusive of the widest possible range of expressions of religious spirituality, while also maintaining an open dialogue with human sciences;
  • Explore connections between religious spirituality and social analysis, and
  • Encourage research in the history of religious spirituality and the larger science—religion dialogue.

The journal includes interdisciplinary articles across the full range of humanities and social sciences disciplines which deal with the issue of religious spirituality.

Major Topics (Subject-Matter and Scope):

1) The contribution of human sciences to the challenges of contemporary religious spirituality and vice versa;

2) To delineate the relationship between religion, spirituality, and the human sciences, positing spirituality as the link between religion and human sciences;

3) Religious spirituality: concepts, theories and applications;

4) Religious spirituality, theology and mysticism;

5) Religious spirituality and the excellence of human sciences; reconstruction of academic disciplines with the approach of religious spirituality;

6) The relationship between religious spirituality and the human sciences: academic disciplines as a case;

7) History and methodology of studies on the relationship between religious spirituality and the human sciences;

8) Trends and philosophies in religious spirituality;

9) Experiences and achievements of spiritual religious studies as a part of the human sciences;

10) Religious spirituality as a scientific construct; possibility, model and measure;

11) Infusing religious spirituality into social, economic, cultural and practical dimensions of human life;

12) Comparative religions, human sciences and religious spirituality;

13) Theoretical and methodological issues to explore ways of engaging with religious spirituality when carrying out human sciences and social science researches;

14) To explore the link in between spirituality and Abrahamic religions, and human and social scientific research methodologies;

15) Clinical psychiatry and human science, with a focus on the interaction between experimental and clinical research;

16) Religious human sciences; implications from/for religious spirituality;

17) Islamic human sciences, a new adventure with religious spirituality;

18) Philosophical principles of Islamic-human sciences;

19) "Islamic spirituality" from the perspective of Quran and Hadith;

20) "God oriented spirituality" in the realm of human sciences;

21) Scientific participation of the field in the promotion and upgrading of higher education governance, policy, administration, research management, quality and future studies in higher education.

*** Important notice:

JHSRS tries to ensure the accuracy and genuineness of the content of articles published in our issues. However, JHSRS (Editors-in-Chief; all members of editorial board; and reviewers) make NO WARRANTIES as to the accuracy of the articles (content, ideas, views, & etc.) expressed in the JHSRS research.
The content of articles ONLY represent the views and perception of the authors; and are NOT certified and endorsed by the JHSRS members.